the Gourmet Goldmine- Fine Food Providores


Welcome to Gourmet Goldmine, your ultimate destination for handpicked, unique ingredients and kitchen tools.

At Gourmet Goldmine, we were founded by two passionate home chefs who shared a love for cooking, foodie media, and culinary experimentation. However, we often found ourselves unable to explore new recipes and push our culinary boundaries due to the unavailability of hard-to-find ingredients and utensils. It was frustrating to see tantalizing ingredients listed in recipes, only to realize that they could only be obtained from specialty cooking stores or Asian groceries.

To solve this problem, we established Gourmet Goldmine and in 2017 my husband became the current owners. Our goal was to give you more content and a streamlined online shop utilizing the vast range of Amazon products, that would cater to the needs of home chefs like us. Since then, our selection has continually expanded and evolved, providing you with an extensive variety of products.

We’re excited to share our carefully curated collection with you and hope you’ll find our products, recipe ideas, and our passion for all things food inspiring. We recently took a break to enhance our website and broaden our avenues for product supply. We have now transitioned entirely to an online platform. Additionally, we may feature affiliate products in our store, but we will always provide clear information about this on each page.

We’re just getting started, and there’s still so much more we want to bring to you! If there’s a recipe, you’re eager to try but need a hard-to-find ingredient, let us know, and we’ll do our best to make it easily accessible at Gourmet Goldmine.

Enjoy exploring our selection and happy cooking!

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